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Selected Publications full list below


  • H. Giaffar, S. Shuvaev, D. Rinberg, A. Koulakov

The primacy model and the structure of olfactory space

Biorxiv, (earlier version is at here)


  • H. Nakayama, R.C. Gerkin, D. Rinberg

A behavioral paradigm for measuring perceptual distances in mice

       Cell Reports Methods (earlier version at Biorxiv)

  • E. Shor, P. Herrero-Vidal, A. Dewan, I. Uguz, V. Curto, G. Malliaras, C. Savin, T. Bozza, D.      Rinberg

Sensitive and robust chemical detection using an olfactory brain-computer interface 

Biosensors and Bioelctronicns, (earlier version at BioRxiv)


J. Harvey and D. Rinberg

Olfaction: Source separation in a single sniff

Current Biology,


  • J.V. Gill,  G. Lerman, H. Zhao, B. Stetler, D. Rinberg, S. Shoham 

Precise Holographic Manipulation of Olfactory Circuits Reveals Coding Feature Determining Perceptual Detection

Neuron, (earlier versions at Biorxiv)

  • E. Chong, M. Moroni, C.D. Wilson, S. Shoham, S. Panzeri, D. Rinberg

Manipulating synthetic optogenetic odors reveals the coding logic of olfactory perception

Science, doi: 10.1126/science.aba2357 (earlier versions at BioRxiv)


  • E. Chong & D. Rinberg

Behavioral readout of spatio-temporal codes in olfaction

Curr Opin Neurobiol,

  • E.M. Arneodo, K.B. Penikis, N. Rabinowitz, A. Licata, A. Cichy, J. Zhang, T. Bozza, and D. Rinberg

        Stimulus dependent diversity and stereotypy in the output of an olfactory

functional unit

Nature Communication, doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03837-1 (also at Biorxiv)


  • C.D. Wilson, G.O. Serrano, A.A. Koulakov, and D. Rinberg  

A primacy code for odor identity

Nature Communication, doi10.1038/s41467-017-01432-4  (also at Biorxiv​)


  • Devore S, and Rinberg D.

Dark matter of the bulb

Nature Neuroscience, doi:10.1038/nn.3684 


  • Dewan A, Pacifico R, Zhan R, Rinberg D, and Bozza T.

Non-redundant coding of aversive odours in the main olfactory pathway

Nature, doi: 10.1038/nature12114 (reviewed at Faculty 1000)


  • Spors H, Albeanu DF, Murthy V, Rinberg D, Uchida N, Wachowiak M, and Friedrich RW.

Illuminating Vertebrate Olfactory Processing

J. Neuroscience, doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3328-12.2012 


  • Smear M, Shusterman R, O’Connor R, Bozza T, and Rinberg D.

Perception of sniff phase in mouse olfaction

Nature, doi10.1038/nature10521 (reviewed at Faculty 1000)

  • Shusterman R, Smear M, Koulakov A, and Rinberg D.

Precise olfactory responses tile the sniff cycle

Nature Neuroscience, doi: 10.1038/nn.2877 (reviewed at Faculty 1000) 


  • Rinberg D, Koulakov A, and Gelperin A.

Sparse odor coding in behaving mice

J. Neuroscience, doi

  • Rinberg D, Koulakov A, and Gelperin A.

Speed accuracy tradeoff in olfaction

Neuron, doi10.1016/j.neuron.2006.07.013

  • Rinberg D and Gelperin A.

Olfactory neuronal dynamics in behaving animals

Seminars in Cell and Development biology, doi: 10.1016/j.semcdb.2006.04.009


  • Koulakov A, Rinberg D, and Tsigankov DN.

How to find decision makers in neural circuits?

Biological Cybernetics, doi: 10.1007/s00422-005-0022-z


                                         Public talks


  • Dima Rinberg joined Vasant Dhar in episode 62 of Brave New World to discuss what he has learnt about the neurobiology of smell over the last two decades. Enjoy!




  • Edmund Chong, “Manipulating synthetic optogenetic odors reveals the coding logic of olfactory perception”. COSYNE 2020, Denver, CO


  • Dima Rinberg , "What the nose knows"KITP Blackboard Lunch. Workshop "Neural computations for sensory navigation: mechanisms, models, and biomimetic applications", The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University California Santa Barbara, CA


  • Dima Rinberg, "Odor Coding". Workshop “Deconstructing the Sense of Smell”. The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University California Santa Barbara, CA

Episode 62 Brave New World Dima Rinberg
00:00 / 1:03:14

Full publication list:

  • H. Giaffar, S. Shuvaev, D. Rinberg, A. Koulakov 2023

The primacy model and the structure of olfactory space

Biorxiv, (earlier version is at here)

  • H. Nakayama, R.C. Gerkin, D. Rinberg 2022 

A behavioral paradigm for measuring perceptual distances in mice

       Cell Reports Methods (earlier version at Biorxiv)

  • E. Shor, P. Herrero-Vidal, A. Dewan, I. Uguz, V. Curto, G. Malliaras, C. Savin, T. Bozza, D. Rinberg 2022

Sensitive and robust chemical detection using an olfactory brain-computer interface. 

Biosensors and Bioelctronicns, (earlier version at BioRxiv)


  • J. Harvey and D. Rinberg 2021

Olfaction: Source separation in a single sniff

Current Biology,

  • J.V. Gill,  G. Lerman, H. Zhao, B. Stetler, D. Rinberg, S. Shoham 2020

Precise Holographic Manipulation of Olfactory Circuits Reveals Coding Feature Determining Perceptual Detection

Neuron, (earlier versions at Biorxiv)

  • E. Chong, M. Moroni, C.D. Wilson, S. Shoham, S. Panzeri, D. Rinberg 2020

Manipulating synthetic optogenetic odors reveals the coding logic of olfactory perception.

Science, doi: 10.1126/science.aba2357 (earlier versions at BioRxiv)

  • G.M. Lerman, J.P. Little, J.V. Gill, D. Rinberg, S. Shoham 2019

Real‐Time In Situ Holographic Optogenetics Confocally Unraveled Sculpting Microscopy

Laser & Photonics Reviews, doi:

Discovering precise temporal patterns in large-scale neural recordings through robust and interpretable time warping

Neuron, (earlier versions at Biorxiv)

  • D.R. Kepple, H. Giaffar, D. Rinberg, A.A. Koulakov 2019

Deconstructing Odorant Identity via Primacy in Dual Networks​

Neural Compuation, doi: 10.1162/neco_a_01175 

  •  R. Shusterman, Y.B. Sirotin, M.C. Smear, Y. Ahmadian, D. Rinberg 2018

Sniff invariant odor coding

eNeuro, doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0149-18.2018 (also at Bioarxiv)

  • A. Dewan, A. Cichy, J. Zhang, K. Miguel, P. Feinstein, D. Rinberg, T. Bozza 2018

Single olfactory receptors set odor detection thresholds

Nature Communication, doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-05129-0 (also at Biorxiv)

  • E. Chong & D. Rinberg 2018

Behavioral readout of spatio-temporal codes in olfaction

Curr Opin Neurobiol,

  • E.M. Arneodo, K.B. Penikis, N. Rabinowitz, A. Licata, A. Cichy, J. Zhang, T. Bozza, and D. Rinberg 2018

        Stimulus dependent diversity and stereotypy in the output of an olfactory functional unit

Nature Communication, doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03837-1 (also at Biorxiv)

  • C.D. Wilson, G.O. Serrano, A.A. Koulakov, and D. Rinberg  2017

A primacy code for odor identity

Nature Communication, doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-01432-4  (also at Biorxiv​)

  • Y.B. Sirotin, R. Shusterman, and D. Rinberg  2015

Neural coding of perceived odor intensity

eNeuro, doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0083-15.2015


  • A. Resulaj & D. Rinberg D.  2015

Novel Behavioral Paradigm Reveals Lower Temporal Limits on Mouse Olfactory Decisions

J. Neuroscience, doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4693-14.2015 (reviewed at Faculty 1000) 

  • Sanders H, Kolterman BE, Shusterman R, Rinberg D, Koulakov A, and Lisman J. 2014

A network that performs brute-force conversion of a temporal sequence to a spatial pattern: relevance to odor recognition

Front Comput Neuroscience, doi: 10.3389/fncom.2014.00108

  • Devore S, and Rinberg D. 2014

Dark matter of the bulb

Nature Neuroscience, doi:10.1038/nn.3684 

  • Reisert J, Golden GJ, Matsumura K, Smear M, Rinberg D, and Gelperin A. 2014

Comparing thoracic and intra-nasal pressure transients to monitor active odor sampling during odor-guided decision making in the mouse

J. Neurosci. Methods, doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2013.09.006

  • Dewan A, Pacifico R, Zhan R, Rinberg D, and Bozza T. 2013

Non-redundant coding of aversive odours in the main olfactory pathway

Nature, doi: 10.1038/nature12114 (reviewed at Faculty 1000)


  • Smear M, Resulaj A, Zhang J, Bozza T, and Rinberg D. 2013

Multiple perceptible signals from a single olfactory glomerulus

Nature Neuroscience, doi10.1038/nn.3519 (reviewed at Faculty 1000)

  • Spors H, Albeanu DF, Murthy V, Rinberg D, Uchida N, Wachowiak M, and Friedrich RW. 2012

Illuminating Vertebrate Olfactory Processing

J. Neuroscience, doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3328-12.2012

  • Smear M, Shusterman R, O’Connor R, Bozza T, and Rinberg D. 2011

Perception of sniff phase in mouse olfaction

Nature, doi10.1038/nature10521 (reviewed at Faculty 1000)


  • Shusterman R, Smear M, Koulakov A, and Rinberg D. 2011

Precise olfactory responses tile the sniff cycle

Nature Neuroscience, doi: 10.1038/nn.2877 (reviewed at Faculty 1000)

  • Koulakov A and Rinberg D. 2011

Sparse incomplete representations: A novel role for olfactory granule cells

Neuron, doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2011.07.031

  • Koulakov A, Kolterman BE, Enikolopov A, and Rinberg D. 2011

In search of the structure of human olfactory space

Frontiers in System Neuroscience, doi10.3389/fnsys.2011.00065

  • Katz DB, Matsunami H, Rinberg D, Scott K, Wachowiak M, and Wilson RI. 2008

Receptors, Circuits, and Behaviors: New Directions in Chemical Senses

J. Neuroscience, doi10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3613-08.2008

  • Koulakov A, Gelperin A, and Rinberg D. 2007

Olfactory coding with all-or-nothing glomeruli

J. Neurophysiology, doi: 10.1152/jn.00560.2007

  • Rinberg D, Koulakov A, and Gelperin A. 2006

Sparse odor coding in behaving mice

J. Neuroscience, doi

  • Rinberg D, Koulakov A, and Gelperin A. 2006

Speed accuracy tradeoff in olfaction

Neuron, doi10.1016/j.neuron.2006.07.013

  • Rinberg D and Gelperin A. 2006

Olfactory neuronal dynamics in behaving animals

Seminars in Cell and Development biology, doi: 10.1016/j.semcdb.2006.04.009

  • Koulakov A, Rinberg D, and Tsigankov DN. 2005

How to find decision makers in neural circuits?

Biological Cybernetics, doi: 10.1007/s00422-005-0022-z

  • Rinberg D, Simonnet C, and Groisman A. 2005

Pneumatic capillary gun for ballistic delivery of microparticles

Applied Physics Letters,

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